By the present I, on my own name and representation, or on behalf of the company, AUTHORIZE to the company PRADA NARGESA SL to the reproduction and distribution of the images taken of my person, or my/represented, that i have freely and voluntarily provided Prada Nargesa with.
The authorization extends to the use of the image contained in photographic material, and video, which will be used in the usual promotion channels, including the company's web page, social networks, magazine advertising, newspapers, audiovisual channels, radio, television, and any other existing ones, or that may exist in the future, provided that their content does not violate the protection of the right to honor, personal and family privacy and the image itself. The geographical area of this authorization is not limited, and therefore is worldwide, and for a period of 10 years.
PRADA NARGESA SL informs you that your data will not be transferred to third parties, except for companies in the same business group, and the use of their image in the terms described, or to auxiliary companies and for the same purposes. You may access, rectify, cancel or oppose the processing of your data, as well as withdraw the consent granted, by writing to the address of the person responsible or to the address of [email protected] , attaching a copy of your ID.